
New Energy Electric Vehicle Charging Station Constructure Points

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At present, the construction of charging infrastructure in the development of new energy vehicles in China started relatively late. Learning from the relevant experience of the United States in fast charging technology, charging demand response, and charging business operations will help improve the utilization efficiency of charging facilities and improve the operating efficiency of charging companies. , Enhance the charging guarantee capability of electric vehicles, and accelerate the development of China’s new energy vehicle industry.

Recently, the Center for Global Energy Policy (CGEP) of Columbia University in the United States released the “Comparison of Electric Vehicle Charging between China and the United States” (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”). The “Report” compared and analyzed the construction of vehicle charging facilities and existing problems in China and the United States in terms of construction scale, promotion policies, application technologies, and charging business models. It also believes that some experience and practices in the operation of charging facilities in the United States are more meaningful. The “Report” has three revelations for the construction of my country’s electric vehicle charging facilities: breaking through high-power charging technology is an important way to reach and catch up with the international advanced charging level; step by step, start the pilot project of  country’s vehicle charging demand response; explore new business models, Further improve the operating efficiency of charging enterprises.


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