
SAIC Group’s Zhiji New Energy Vehicle has begun using solid-state batteries.

ultra fast charging solid state battery

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SAIC Group’s Zhiji New Energy Vehicle has **begun using solid-state batteries**.

Zhiji Automobile, a high-end pure electric vehicle brand under SAIC Group, recently launched the Zhiji L6 smart sedan in Shanghai. This model has become the world’s first to be equipped with a mass-produced “ultra-fast charging solid-state battery.” The adoption of this technology signifies an **important breakthrough for SAIC Group in the field of new energy vehicles** and also demonstrates the company’s emphasis on and investment in future electric vehicle technologies.

It is worth mentioning that solid-state batteries are considered an important direction for the next generation of battery technology. They offer higher energy density, faster charging speeds, and better safety performance compared to traditional liquid lithium-ion batteries. Market analysis predicts that the commercial application of solid-state batteries will have a significant impact on the future electric vehicle market, and SAIC Group’s move is undoubtedly a solid step forward in this field.

Moreover, the development of solid-state battery technology has also attracted the attention of the capital market, with the stock prices of listed companies involved in solid-state battery business experiencing an increase. This indicates that investors are optimistic about the future market prospects of solid-state batteries. With the maturation of technology and the reduction of costs, solid-state batteries are expected to be more widely used in electric vehicles in the future, driving technological advancement and market growth across the entire industry.

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